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May 28, 2022, 11 tweets

Good pics of Iran's new Harop style suicide drone, first displayed earlier this year at the army day parade

New pod shown off. Perhaps for electronic warfare and countermeasures? Seen mounted on both Kaman-12 and Mohajer-6

Mohajer-6. Notable pics:

1: Seen for the first time with quad Hydra 70mm/Fadak 80mm rocket launcher
2: 2 Ghaem-9 under each wing, but without the wings for them attached weirdly
3: 2 Almas ATGM launchers under each wing

Accidentally deleted this: Better pic of Fotros. Appears those are not Ghaem-114, but Almas ATGM launchers

Balaban glide bombs were seen twice.

Pic 1: Karrar drone with Balaban glide bomb, and Azarakhsh dual purpose missile (can be used for A-G & A-A). Others in the back can be seen with Shafaq-3/4 missiles.

Pic-2: Balaban present underneath a Kaman-22

Karrar jet powered drones with Shafaq-3/4 missiles

Kian-2 (aka Arash) long range suicide drone, with 1000km. Can carry out anti radiation missions

Higher quality Kaman-22 picture. Balaban PGM and Shafaq missile can also bee seen here (another close up angle was posted earlier)

Here's the other side of that drone, showing it's carrying Shafaq-3/4 missiles

Seems that alongside the launcher for Hydra 70mm or Fadak 80mm rockets another munition can be carried beside. A Ghaem-5 can be carried alongside

Hopefully the launcher carries Fadak rockets, as Iran produces a guided version of them (second picture)

Sorry triple not quad

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