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May 29, 2022, 16 tweets

📻 BREAKING NEWS AUDIO: Did MJF pull a Jeff Jarrett power play before doing the job to Wardlow tomorrow at AEW Double or Nothing?

Alvarez: "At this point I feel pretty confident in saying I do not believe a plane ticket was ever purchased."

SRS: "He wasn't on the plane"

Meltzer: "Anyway, at this point nothing new since the radio show past MJF is in town and appears to be wanting to be Brian Pillman."

Alvarez: "As of this moment, MJF vs. Wardlow is still on the line-up for tonight."

Meltzer: "As of a few minutes ago MJF wasn't at the building."

WWE trucks are circling the arena outside Double or Nothing. LMFAO *THIS* whole weekend has been the wrestling war we all signed up for. 😂😂


Meltzer: "The Wardlow vs. MJF preview was put back on YouTube."

Raj: "If MJF is still questionable at this point, it's time for AEW to let fans know"

Brock jobbing to Seth at Mania in the opener to get that early flight home.

From co-main event, to, "get the distraction out of the way" in 24 hours. Pro wrestling is wild.

Meltzer: "Wardlow vs. MJF is scheduled for 8 p.m."


SRS on his DoN review just read a DM from MJF saying the following:

"I showed up last minute. Left right after my match. I've got a lot to think about. I'm going dark again."

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