Zeroblade <ゼロブレイド> Profile picture
normal guy. sometimes an anisong DJ (actually a JP-EN translator). lots of RTs/personal stuff. 一般人。たまにアニソンDJもやってます(本業:ノベルゲーの翻訳)RT多め。contact/連絡: DM

May 29, 2022, 14 tweets

【おバイオ7】BIOHAZARD 7 ✦ をプレイいたしますわ! ✦4【ですわ】※おグロ版 via @YouTube

heckin 40 thousand people waiting desu wa

@YouTube she's still doing the summaries the doodles are so funny


after finding out that she can kill the mold people in 3 head shots she has been screaming I CAN KILL 10 IN TOTAL WITH ALL MY BULLETS


(the ojousama version of kusa is o-herb)


100k viewers again today and it hasn't even been 20 minutes since the stream began


salome learns from chat that she could have gotten the shotgun much earlier in the game. she compliments herself for having played "with a handicap" up until this point.


while looking for a key to open a door with, she accidentally douses herself with the health item.

"now my hand is all wet! shit!"


after running into the old dude, she panics and escapes back into the previous area, having made no progress


She loves videogames, but is really terrible with horror games. She sees all the fanart and comments people leave and is very grateful for all the support, but RE 7 is scaring her 5 times more than people think,


She has been swinging the chainsaw around for about 5 minutes now, screaming about "the power of Casual difficulty"


And here I thought it wouldn't get any higher, we're at 120k viewers now


Salome just declared this to be a chainsaw battle endurance stream -- she's gotten a good idea of how to do the battle


She did it!! Without even realizing too.


Today we are only blessed with 10 extra minutes of stream, for a total of about 70 minutes of content.

She beat Jack using just the chainsaw, but still hasn't even gotten the shotgun.



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