Zeroblade <ゼロブレイド> Profile picture
normal guy. sometimes an anisong DJ (actually a JP-EN translator). lots of RTs/personal stuff. 一般人。たまにアニソンDJもやってます(本業:ノベルゲーの翻訳)RT多め。contact/連絡: DM

May 30, 2022, 19 tweets

It's DESUWA time.

She lowered her volume even MORE because her mic STILL peaked even after lowering her gain last time.


In everyone's favorite summary -- she likened Jack to Souseiseki (Rozen Maiden), and then to a headless chicken after beating him




She picked up the replica shotgun, but didn't get the actual shotgun and chat is going nuts lmao


100k viewers once again at ariund the 20 minute mark desu wa


Salome discovers the use of the antique coins and takes steroids onstream


After cleaning up her inventory, she finally takes the shotgun and chat breathes a collective sigh of relief. She also feels extra perky now that she has another weapon, even though she's worried that she doesn't have much ammo.


After seeing a bunch of giant insects, Salome establishes the "Hyakumantenbara Salome Bug Destroying Service", available 24/7.


After stepping into a nest full of bugs, she silently nopes back out and then walks back in with -- an empty shotgun (she panics after this)


Salome talks about an experience she had going overseas for volunteer work. She stayed at a host's house, and the area was full of particularly large bugs, but after 5 days she had gotten so used to the bugs.


One day, when she was sleeping, she felt an itchiness on her chest so she got up still half asleep and saw a huge cockroach flitting about directly on her chest. But because she'd grown so used to the bugs, she simply picked it up and tossed it to the side.


So possibly, because of that experience, she isn't that scared of singular large bugs anymore. Rather, she's creeped out by large colonies of small bugs, especially because they can just sneak up on you and appear out of nowhere.


After picking up a DLC item that expands storage, she talks about how pay2win items are great. She'd played MMOs before, used paid items, and it's become a habit now whenever possible.

She played a lot of MMOs before but especially Mabinogi (as an Elf).


She gets an adrenaline rush from incinerating bugs


After getting jumpscared by the mom, she runs around panicked looking for a save point, and manages to find one in the nick of time.


She was quite jumpy today, and when she's in sensitive mood, it lasts a day, or 2-3 days. Even a slight breeze or a door that was slightly ajar opening by itself will scare her out of her wits, so expect the jumpiness to continue tomorrow.



once again, she has dominated youtube's gaming stream rankings -- but i think we should just accept that she's a natural phenomenon at this point

I forgot to mention that she was grateful for people posting fanart, as well as thoughts about her welcome voice pack in #.サロメにメロメロボイス

After reading through the tweets in the hashtags, she felt her desire for approval to be very sated indeed.


(to clarify, this happened when she was out on the volunteer work staying in the host's house, not wherever she lives -- which apparently is somewhere in the countryside where the roads are very wide and euro truck friendly)

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