Zeroblade <ゼロブレイド> Profile picture
normal guy. sometimes an anisong DJ (actually a JP-EN translator). lots of RTs/personal stuff. 一般人。たまにアニソンDJもやってます(本業:ノベルゲーの翻訳)RT多め。contact/連絡: DM

May 31, 2022, 10 tweets

Reimu will be in Ratna's team in the NijiPex tourney!


man i would have laughed so hard if reimu got paired with kanakana since she's such a fan; the fangirling would be insane

hayun will be the one blessed with myamya english...

Leos?????? NAGI???????????

nagi with fuwacchi, jiyu with archai lmao good luck

ratna, reimu, and leos LMAOOOOOOOO this is gonna good


debirion and tamaki...............................................

shiishii and ririmu with tamaki LMAOOOOOOOOO this is going to be hell

Looks like Ratna, Reimu, and Leos's team will be at the ff. locations:

Storm Point: Ship Fall
Olympus: Energy Depot
World's Edge: Survey Camp



shiishii/ririmu/tamaki will be on Gale Station, Carrier, and Lava Siphon


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