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May 31, 2022, 13 tweets


Since we're on the subject of Yamato joining the Straw Hats, here's a thread of where I place the four shown in the pic below, from strongest to weakest:

1. Luffy
2. Yamato
3. Zoro
4. Sanji
5. Jinbei

Luffy. He is the first person in history to single handedly defeat a yonkou (excluding the early fight on the rooftop, cause Kaido wasn't affected). He has the most ridiculous devil fruit power in history, once owned by the original Joy Boy. (Continued)

He is also one of the only five characters mentioned here that is fully advanced in all haki types (ACOC, ACOA, ACOO) and achieved a sky splitting feat, an achievement only attributed to the yonkous. (Luffy thread concludes)

Yamato. She possess ACOC and held her own against Kaidou, capable of making him bleed, without suffering major damage. Held her own the longest compared to the five supernovas (Luffy, Zoro, Law, Kidd and Killer) who was working as a unit. (Yamato thread concludes)

Zoro. He managed to intimidate Kaidou by accessing his ACOC unknowingly, giving him a permanent stratch to him as a parting gift before losing conscious, but at the cost of broken bones. Also took out King, despite his lunarian attributes. (Zoro thread concludes)

Sanji. After his genetic evolution (exoskeleton, speed upgrade and fire upgrade), he was capable of taking out of Queen, one of Kaidou's strongest subordinates after King, relatively easy. (Continues)

To give more context to how strong Queen is, he's a Beast Pirate subordinate whose headbutt was strong enough to relieve Big Mom from her amnesia and knock her out moments after (Continues)

and is stated to have such crushing power in his zoan form, that the most advanced haki armament masters reach the point beyond physical recovery, once under the pressure of his squeeze. Yes, and Sanji beats him with ease. (Sanji thread concludes)

Jinbei. A former Warlord that was durable enough to hold off against a magma infused punch from the strongest Marine in Navy, Akainu, even when it was melting away the palm of his hand, all in order to protect Luffy. (Continues)

Blocked an attack with Armament from Big Mom who was using Napolean, whilst escaping from her and her pirate crew and was strong enough to launch her off the Sunny Thousand with his "Vagabond Drill" named attack. (Continues)

To conclude this thread, Jinbei later on in the raid, was easily able to take out Who's Who, one of the strongest Flying Six members of the Beast Pirates. (Jinbei thread ends)

This is all my opinion and cause of the spoiler hints, just wanted to make this out of sheer anticipation for Yamato's eventual joining to the Straw Hats. (End of thread)


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