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Fire Photographer in Niagara, ON, Canada / I tweet about emergencies, breaking news - & other random neat content / McGill & SMU alumnus / Organist / Otters

Jun 2, 2022, 9 tweets

Because my other thread is getting suppressed, let’s try a new one for #Tulsa

Press conference just now. Police looking to identify suspect (by name) - they are a black male approx. 35-40 years old who entered with a rifle and a handgun. Self-inflicted wound.

Hospital CEO, visibly shaken, thanks responders for their incredible response to the senseless act.

“I don’t think I’ve truly understood just how important our first responders can be - and are”

#Tulsa Mayor shuts down reporter in an elegant manner who tries to connect other recent mass casualty shootings to this one while next-of-kin notifications are still underway.

-Both suspect’s handgun and rifle were discharged during incident.
-Probably mix of employees and patients as victims (won’t confirm - still notifying, I presume)
-reporter brings up body armor regarding other recent incidents (they’re really like activists it’s brutal)

Police confirm the shooting occurred in the orthopedic wing

Additional person (witness/victim) was located locked in a closet.

Referencing Uvalde (again…) the media ask about the police officer’s readiness for an active shooter scenario.

Pretty great response, in my opinion.

That’s a wrap.


‘Shut it’ - basically.

Those reporters, man. Stop tryna connect non-existent dots ya propagandizing hacks. I see what you’re up to.

This ain’t like the others.

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