Gawain Towler Profile picture
"A renowned Westminster comms pro", "Expertly tailored and magnificently eccentric" Scribbler in the fields of politics and deep culture. Takes pics.

Jun 2, 2022, 16 tweets

A couple of Regency shop fronts deep in beige painted cloaks. #AdoorableThursday Chelsea.

The Mall is utterly heaving, already 4/10 deep all the way down.

Dubious characters already out,. Kaya Mar and his Jubilee painting.

And a numpty in a hat.

Popped into the Abbey for a little thanks and and fortitude.

For all those appalled by all the carrying on, here's one for you.

Reckon the big man would have loved today. #SlouchHat

No matter the low grade numpties that fill this place, I cannot help but feel a frisson whenever I walk by.

Pleaded to report that the Kirby Estate is, as expected, all lit up.

Jeremy Jubilee, Waterloo.

Radio reflection

Aux Barricades, Wimborne!

The Wimborne Militia fire off a 21 gun salute. The Militia are only formally commissioned private army in England, founded in about 1580.

The #JubilleeBeacon is lit. About 3,000 people turned up and belted out the National Anthem. #Wimborne

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