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The Fortune Men @VikingBooksUk @aaknopf Black Mamba Boy The Orchard of Lost Souls Agent @aragiauthors

Jun 2, 2022, 6 tweets

70 years ago Queen Elizabeth took the throne, 70 years ago Mahmood Hussein Mattan was charged, convicted and hanged for a murder he didn't commit in Cardiff.

On the case file you can see where Rex was replaced with Regina but this was still a country with a death penalty, concentration camps in Kenya, a 'colour bar' that imposed segregation in jobs, housing, and social life.

The Royal prerogative of mercy was the last hope for Mahmood Mattan as he appealed his death sentence but the Home Secretary who had the decision making power over its use declined his appeal. Mahmood was hanged 'without a hitch' on his son's birthday.

The last 70 years have seen the end of the death penalty in this country, the end of the British Empire & legislation to decrease discrimination. All good things but when woman was alive to preside over all that change we need to remember how recent and fragile those changes are.

Rest in peace Mahmood Mattan and power to his family who campaigned and forced the establishment to admit he was innocent 46 years after his execution.

By some strange coincidence the paperback of The Fortune Men is published today.

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