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Jun 2, 2022, 11 tweets

🇬🇧 The Queen’s #PlatinumJubilee: follow the key moments from today's celebrations 👇…

🔷 Mall full as Trooping the Colour gets under way

🔷 At least two people caused a disturbance on The Mall by running out in front of marching soldiers before being arrested, TV pictures showed

🔷 Royals appear for Trooping the Colour

🔷 Vegan activists vaulted fences near Buckingham Palace during Trooping the Colour before being tackled by police…

🔹 A huge crowd on The Mall cheered the Queen as she watched a flypast of more than seventy RAF aircraft from the Buckingham Palace balcony…

🔷 RAF fighter jets fly in formation to form the number 70

🔷Thousands gather to watch the Red Arrows head over The Mall

🔺 BREAKING: Prince Andrew has tested positive for coronavirus and will miss Platinum Jubilee celebrations on Friday, Buckingham Palace has announced

“After undertaking a routine test the duke has tested positive for Covid and with regret will no longer be attending tomorrow’s service,” the palace said…

🔺BREAKING: The Queen will miss the National Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral in London tomorrow “with great reluctance” after experiencing “some discomfort” during today’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations…

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