Tutu Charlie Profile picture

Jun 2, 2022, 18 tweets

$MMAT So the Vlepsis page was added to the Meta website the other day, as pointed out by @krebsba2. No PR has been released about it and I'm not sure if many have heard of it. So here is a thread about what it is, who is behind it, and the mindblowing capabilities of #Vlepsis

First of all the who. Dr. Yiannis Antoniades, who was hired by Meta in April as the Executive VP, founded Vlepsis, Inc in 2017. This is after he developed similar technology, ARGUS-IS for BAE, where he worked until 2015.

Vlepsis is an extremely, ridiculously high resolution Wide Area Motion Sensing (WAMI) gigapixel camera, which is now only going to be enhanced by metamaterials. This tool can be attached to the bottom of a UAV to observe and monitor large areas with incredible precision.

We'll get into why thats important. But first it may be important to understand how wide of an area can be observed, recorded, and monitored. And how well can it see. Take a look at this picture, comparing Vlepsis to other WAMI systems.

Dr. Yiannis took the ARGUS he had previously worked on and improved it in both coverage area and precision. From 15,000 ft, Vlepsis is capable of viewing and recording an area of 80sq Km (50sq miles) while being able to detect objects as small as 10-20cm (4-8 inches) w HD vision!

This is not only an amazing technological achievement, but I believe it will be a HUGE revenue generator for $MMAT. It's not only for government use. It will be commercialized. We're talking a subscription and licensing model in some big industries. How can it be put to use?

Natural Disaster Relief- During Hurricane Katrina, most ground based communications were down due to flooding. This led to a nightmare of a rescue effort, costing billions of dollars. Vlepsis can cut those costs drastically, save lives, and reduce rescue times greatly.

Smart Cities- Meta has a bright future and smart cities will be a big part of it. Vlepsis considers itself the "missing link" to a major smart city problem, recognizing and analyzing patterns over a wide metropolis in order to improve urban efficiency in traffic, crowds, etc.

Border Security- Why build a wall when you can fly a Vlepsis? The wall was an expensive (40billion) and ultimately impractical idea. Vlepsis can help intelligently monitor the border at a fraction of the cost. Vlepsis has already demonstrated the tech to the US Border Patrol.

Wildlife Protection- We all know poachers suck, but did you know conserving endangered species worldwide costs $76billion a year? And illegal deforestation alone can lead to losses of $26billion annually? Vlepsis can reduce those costs and losses drastically.

Protecting Natural Resources- Overfishing is a bigger problem than a lot of people realize. In New England alone it costs $150m annually. Global fisheries would generate $25billion more revenue a year if not for this practice. Vlepsis can cheaply monitor and prevent overfishing.

Event Security- After the Boston Marathon bombing, the city shut down for a manhunt costing between $300m-$1bil. Vlepsis could be in the skies during major events and greatly reduce the time and cost it takes investigators to catch people who commit terrorism or mass shootings.

Port Security- There is a lot of money spent on airport and seaport security. In 2017 the NY Port Authority alone had $706m budget for security. Vlepsis offers a better and cheaper option for all ports, which by my math would be a savings of a lot of freakin money.

Car Accidents and Crime Prevention- 11% of premium costs towards certain types of insurance is spent investigating and settling claims. If that cost was reduced by just 1% in 2015, it would save over $5b in the US alone. Think insurance companies might be interested in Vlepsis?

And thats not even all. Guys this is incredible technology for $MMAT. It is a vertical WITH verticals. Much like a lot of our other verticals. I hope this is a quick way to overview it and see the potential. If you're not long on this company, I can't help you. #LFGoBeyond

And if you're short, you are absolutely positively #screwed. This information was all gathered from the Vlepsis website. I'm sure there's more out there and I know you guys will find it. Just wanted to do my part for people that might not have been paying attention!

$MMAT and it seems like an announcement may be coming soon. Not only was the. Vlepsis page recently added on the Meta website, @VlepsisInc joined Twitter in April.

@VlepsisInc $MMAT and @palikaras answered a great question from @benhem612 yesterday from a major Canadian defense conference. George says they plan on having private discussions about this technology. The US Border Patrol already knows about it. Canada too? Big things in the works!

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