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Jun 3, 2022, 29 tweets

Q&A with Robert Whitman now! He's giving his origin story of becoming a photographer. He was just starting out and was helping test out photography equipment for a local store.

He felt he didn't really know what he was doing with the follow on work he did but kept getting work. Traveled around the world building his portfolio.

What led him to Prince : Gary Levinson told him to listen to a tape. He listened to it in the car (while stoned 😂). The song they listened to was soft and wet. Gary took him to the recording studio and he met Prince.

Manager asked if he could do pictures of Prince for a press kit. "mainly because they knew they didn't have to pay me very much".

Did 3 shoots. Used wide angle lens for the first time. Got great shoots of Prince.

Street shots are from around the corner. P was shy Robert said "Make love to the Camera" to get him to move.

"You can tell he had a great body and a great butt"

Audience question : Do we know who the lady is in the picture? "somebody's mother"

Who dressed Prince?

"No stylist, no makeup artist. It was just him and me."

What's your plan for the NFT space?

He doesn't want to comment on this at this time.

How long did the shoot take and what on the record conversations did you have?

Didn't have long conversations. Shot 3 afternoons. Music wall, studio, manager's house.

Re music wall construction. Out of our control but we still have this

Spike Lee wrote forward to Robert Whitman's book. njgstudio.com/book/prince-pr…

Advice for someonr who wants to get more in to photography: Follow your heart. Photography teaches you how to see.

Dr. Fink has been acknowledged. He drove him to these photo sessions.

And we're done! 💜

Prince photographers! Robert Whitman and Steve Parke! 🥰


Donna Gregory! Makeup artist for P!

Creeping on Sonny T 👀

Not a creep pic. With Sonny T!

From across the pond! @CaseyRain @kimcamilia of @RealityIsViolet



The VIP gift! Will probably be used for the rest of the Celebration. 🥲

Party complete! Lights up! See you in the morning! 💜💜💜

Recap of the party! 💜

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