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My Highlights Tab Says it All. Truth & Justice ⚖️

Jun 3, 2022, 17 tweets

This thread will address Mass Shootings and Homicides.

I will illustrate:
-Laws and Gun Control has no Impact
-The Number of Guns has no Impact
-Age is irrelevant
-Race is irrelevant
-Enforcing Law and order is the key to solving the problem

Additional Laws have no Impact if Law and Order is not enforced.
The Laws Biden want at a National level are incl below

Illinois has 7 of these laws in place and Maryland 8

Yet their homicides per 100,000 is 54%>Florida and 38%>Texas.

Mass Shootings BY AGE of the Shooter

Changing the minimum age won't solve the problem.

Politicians are ignoring the facts!

We don't have a young white guy problem...

Mass Shooting Incidents compared to the country's demographics clearly illustrates that!

Mass Shootings BY GUN TYPE Used

The #BanAssaultWeaponsNow won't work, in most incidents the gunman used a Handgun or a Handgun with another gun

These are Mass shootings of 3 or more killed excluding the shooter

The FBI definition is 4 or more killed.
According to this definition there's been 18 in 2022

MSM reports of 214 mass shootings in 2022 is defined as INJURED+Killed=4 or more

Uvalde is the 3rd worst School Shootings since 1982

There's been 734102 murders in the US Since 1982

Mass Shootings accounted for 1035 of that which is
0.14% of all homicides

Although it's horrific it's insignificant in the bigger picture of lawless murders

Below a heat map of where the mass shooting fatalities occurred

9 years ago a study found that 79% of mass shootings are due to mental illness.

9 years later and politicians are still having the same debates and not addressing the real issues, which are mental illness and enforcing Law and Order

Homicides per 100,000 people since 1960

It's still below 1968-1996. But like all things under Biden it's heading in the wrong direction.

Homicides were up by 27% in 2021 driven by lawless Blue States

We need more Cops, Not Less!

The Number of households with one or more gun have consistently declined over the past 50 years.

That said since 1994 guns have outpaced the population growth by 65%.

This would suggest that the households with guns have increased the number of guns they own

Guns have increased from 192 million in 1994 to 398 million in 2021.

This has NO CORRELATION with Homicides that were in decline from 1996 and relatively steady up to 2021

52% and NOT 90% of Americans wants stricter gun laws.
90% wants stricter laws for people with Mental illness

Main Causes of Deaths 2020

-276 million Cars = 38,824
-398 million Guns = 16,503 (11K by Handgun)
2.35 MORE Car Accidents deaths than Homicides by Gun

They want to #BanAssaultWeapons 🤦‍♂️

The drop of crime in the 1990's and the recent crime increase explained👇

Enforcing Law and Order is the key, not more Laws or Gun bans!!
Defunding the Police have consequences!!

This is a comparison of number of guns by country vs the number of Homicides.

There is no correlation, in fact, countries with more guns have less homicides.

The US have almost 4 X more guns than any other country and we only rank 56th for homicides

400 million guns
50 billion+ rounds of ammo
14,000 murders with a gun pa.

If we only had 100 million guns the psychopathic killers would still kill 14,000 people pa!

What facts do they have that can Change my mind ? #GunsSaveLives

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