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📷Snapshots of #Rheumatology Visual Abstracts One stop destination to everything HOT🔥(How to treat) & WIN(What's🆕️)in Rheumat #Rheumtwitter By: @kunalchandwar

Jun 4, 2022, 8 tweets

How to treat (HOT)
Difficult to treat RA

How to treat (HOT)
Difficult to treat RA
🟣 FMS is asso with more severe RA
🟣 Pts with D2T RA have higher comorbidity burden
🟣 Obesity is also a mediator of non Response

How to treat (HOT)
Difficult to treat RA
This was interesting
🟢 Pts with D2T RA may have a pausi immune phenotype
🟢 This might explain poor response to Rx

Pts with D2T RA have
🟣 ⬆️Comorbidities, DMRD ADRs, FMS, Depression, Anxiety
🟣⬇️ QOL
🟣 3 phenotypes have been found
🟪 Rx Non-Adherent
🟪 Obese with Pain syndrome
🟪 True Refractory

How to treat (HOT)
Difficult to treat RA
🟣 Adverse events contribute max to treatment non-adherence
🟣Relation with HC provider the most Imp facilitator
🟣D2T RA has higher economic burden then nonD2T RA

How to treat (HOT)
Difficult to treat RA
Points to consider for Managing D2T RA

How to treat (HOT)
Difficult to treat RA
Overarching principles and Research agenda

How to treat (HOT)
Difficult to treat RA
Summary slides
Awesome talk 👌🏻🤩

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