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📷Snapshots of #Rheumatology Visual Abstracts One stop destination to everything HOT🔥(How to treat) & WIN(What's🆕️)in Rheumat #Rheumtwitter By: @kunalchandwar

Jun 4, 2022, 8 tweets

What is New (WIN)
MSK Manifestations in COVID 19 patients
🦠 MSK Pain in COVID can have an Osteometabolic profile
🦠 Mech for autoimmunity include
🔸Molecular mimicry
🔸Cryptic antigen presentation
🔸Epitope spreading
🦠APLs, ACAs and ANAs have been positive

What is New (WIN)
MSK Manifestations in COVID 19 patients
🦠Inflammation in COVID is similar to MAS
🔸Has ⬆️Ferritin, ⬆️IL1,IL6 ⬆️ INF signature
(Though usually not as high as in MAS)

What is New (WIN)
MSK Manifestations in COVID 19 patients
🦠TCZ, JAKi, IL1 and anti-INF-Gamma Rx has utility in Rx

What is New (WIN)
MSK Manifestations in COVID 19 patients
🦠 Mortality is ⬆️ with
⬆️ Disease activity
⬆️ Steroid dose (>10mg/day) and RTX
⬆️ age,
⬆️comorbidities and prior Lung disease

What is New (WIN)
MSK Manifestations in COVID 19 patients
🦠Long covid mimics ageing with endothelial and adipose dysfunction
🦠Has similarities with FMS

What is New (WIN)
MSK Manifestations in COVID 19 patients
🦠 vaccine theoretically can lead to immune activation via TLR 7n9 and lead to flare or new immune event
🦠 cutaneous vasculitis most common menifestation

What is New (WIN)
MSK Manifestations in COVID 19 patients
🦠DMARDs and their Role in Vaccine efficacy

What is New (WIN)
MSK Manifestations in COVID 19 patients
Summary Slide

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