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Jun 4, 2022, 8 tweets

New treatment strategies and approaches to young adults with inflammatory myositis
Treatment options available their doses in IIM

New treatment strategies and approaches to young adults with inflammatory myositis
♦️MTX+GC>>MTX+CIC>GC alone

New treatment strategies and approaches to young adults with inflammatory myositis
🪩RIM trial
♦️Better response in JDM
♦️Antibody positive (Mi2,Jo1 +ve ) performed better than Ab negetive

New treatment strategies and approaches to young adults with inflammatory myositis
🪩Abatacept in IIM (ARTEMIS)
♦️Trend towards improvement seen
♦️ post shoc shows might be better in ASS and PM

New treatment strategies and approaches to young adults with inflammatory myositis
🪩Proderm study and IVIG in IIM
♦️Positive study with good response with IVIG

New treatment strategies and approaches to young adults with inflammatory myositis
🪩 Belimumab also showed trend towards improvement in IIM

New treatment strategies and approaches to young adults with inflammatory myositis
🪩JAKi/Tofacitinib show promise in
♦️Refractory Skin disease
♦️Amyopathic DM with ILD
♦️Early signals for efficacy in myositis too

New treatment strategies and approaches to young adults with inflammatory myositis
Summary Slide

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