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Nagfe-feeling writer; please go to View Moments for the au's or go here: https://t.co/xJEFOuD89A

Jun 4, 2022, 23 tweets

A #harukyu ft. #harudam few tweets au (English version)

Javi (kjk) is a fan of Harvey, who always fights with Haiden (hrt), an anti-fan and look-a-like of Harvey.

Harveys is an Actor here.



I don't know if there is a movie Stars in Love but here its just my random title. Raven is Harveys character in the movie while Zeke is his lover.-

Please give me some of your confidence 🥺🙏






Yosef an actor who is Harvey's boyfriend and Javi's Bestfriend. Javi knows that they're boyfriends but he doesn't know that Harvey and Haiden were twins since Harvey was very private.

*flashback private tweets*



I like you too Javi🥺🥺🥺


*end of flashback*

Right, I literally have a crush back then on someone who has a twin but I can't feel the same to his twin.




This is a translation of my few tweets au. Some of it we're revised since direct translation doesn't give the feeling I wanted. So how's this story?

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