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📷Snapshots of #Rheumatology Visual Abstracts One stop destination to everything HOT🔥(How to treat) & WIN(What's🆕️)in Rheumat #Rheumtwitter By: @kunalchandwar

Jun 4, 2022, 7 tweets

How To Treat (HOT)
Anti-phospholipid syndrome

How To Treat (HOT)
Anti-phospholipid syndrome
🩸Primary Thromboprophylaxis
🩸Aspirin is recommended but might not be sufficient
🩸VKA use is asso. ⬆️ Bleeding risk (Risk>Benefit)

How To Treat (HOT)
Anti-phospholipid syndrome
🩸Secondary Prophylaxis
🩸INR: 2-3 for venous thrombosis (Controversial)
🩸Is not effective in preventing arterial events though

How To Treat (HOT)
Anti-phospholipid syndrome
🩸For Recurrent/Arterial Thrombosis
🩸INR 3-4 or 2-3 with LDA might be needed
🩸We still need more data on this
🩸The role of NOACs is controversial might be tried in low risk pts who don't tolerate VKA

How To Treat (HOT)
Anti-phospholipid syndrome
🩸CAPS: Triple therapy
🩸GC+ IVIG/PLEX+ anticoagulation works well

How To Treat (HOT)
Anti-phospholipid syndrome
🩸 Ritux and Eculizumab have shown some efficacy in refractory CAPS

How To Treat (HOT)
Anti-phospholipid syndrome
🩸Obstetric APS
🩸1 Prophylaxis: LDA or LDA+LMWH
🩸2 Prophylaxis: LMWH + LDA
🩸Refractory: LMWH+LDA+HCQ+ Low dose steroids (Upto 15mg/day)

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