Simon Lewis πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ“πŸŽ™πŸ“ŒβœπŸ½ Profile picture
Primary school principalπŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ« If I were the Minister for Education Podcast ➑️ πŸ“Œ Poetry πŸ–‹ Views mine, no one else would claim them

Jun 4, 2022, 11 tweets

1️⃣ 1,100 new SNA allocations were announced by the DoE and welcomed by partners this week. Of the 1,100 new allocations 489.4 were given to primary level. Let's drill into the data. Feel free to ask any questions.

2️⃣ 439.21 of these hours are for new/increased special classes, representing about 90% of all new SNA allocations.

3️⃣ This leaves us with only 52 extra SNA posts in total for mainstream classes. This was the total number of posts sanctioned by @ncseirl from exceptional reviews! For the entire country. That's 3,114 schools.

@ncseirl 4️⃣ However, this figure below is a total if we add up every school that had an increase, whether that was a fraction of a post or multiple posts. Let's dig a bit deeper.

@ncseirl 5️⃣ Only 18 primary schools in the entire country received more than 1 full time SNA post since last year. Again that's in the ENTIRE country. That's not even 1 per county. Let's keep going...

@ncseirl 6️⃣ If we allow for additional infant hour posts, which are technically part-time posts, that's another 17 schools making a total of *35* schools with an allocation increase that could be considered to give a child 1:1 access. Need I emphasise again that's in the entire country!

@ncseirl 7️⃣ The @ncseirl seem to believe that one can hire half of a person and that a child with care needs only experiences those needs for half a day. That's what 40 schools received since last year.

@ncseirl 8️⃣ In loaves and fishes style, a further 23 schools received less than 1/2 an SNA.

All the figures have been taken from the NCSE allocations for 2021-22 and 2022-23. Slight adjustments were made to account for amalgamated schools.

@ncseirl 9️⃣ Now we have it in pretty graphic form. Feel free to share these images wherever you want. I hope it demonstrates in "blue and white" why schools find it so hard to offer children the supports they need. The resources simply aren't there.

@ncseirl 1️⃣0️⃣ In my opinion, parents, school staff and advocacy groups have to get together. There's been division thanks to certain "advocates" and politicians but one can't deny the numbers. They are the @ncseirl's own.

So they're the numbers, what do we do with them? πŸ“Œ #edchatie

PS please read @pamela_kenny1 tweets fit even more information

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