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Jun 5, 2022, 8 tweets

Your Spectrum crew in St. Louis just took an evening stroll inside the America’s Center Convention Complex where the #GCSession will take place. Here’s a little photo essay 🧵. That’s executive editor Alexander Carpenter (left) & managing digital editor Alex Aamodt (right).

As you saw behind us in that photo, this is a model of the complex. The Dome (right) is the 67,000 seat stadium where the business meetings will run throughout each day. Its floor will only be accessible to delegates. The rest of the seating will be sparsely used until Sabbath.

With no exhibit hall this #GCSession, the left side has lots of seating for eating, meeting, and entreating. (Is this the delegate life? 😳)

Without a special pass media usually isn’t allowed on the delegate floor, but Spectrum usually finds a way. Here’s where about 2100 delegates will spend their days. The other 500 plus will join virtually for the first time at a #GCSession. The stage is where the executives chair.

This will be how the GC president and the other executive leaders will view much of the #GCSession.

Pay no attention to what’s behind the curtain.

Just wandering around the #GCSession venue we came upon this helpful visual representation of current GC president Ted Wilson’s initiatives. Like so much with him, the past is present is future. 😵‍💫

3 bonus pics: This astroturf gets rolled out where the delegate chairs are now. The Dome is where the Rams NFL team used to play before they went back to LA. Cool font on a restored 1893 Louis Sullivan building! Thanks for checking out this 📷 essay. We ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍 U!

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