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📷Snapshots of #Rheumatology Visual Abstracts One stop destination to everything HOT🔥(How to treat) & WIN(What's🆕️)in Rheumat #Rheumtwitter By: @kunalchandwar

Jun 5, 2022, 6 tweets

What is New (WIN)
Osteoarthritis – evolving treatments
This talk is a must-watch on-demand - highly recommended
🗝Proposed NICE-UK guidelines for

🗝Most trials have tried correcting catabolic pathway
🗝 Most trials in OA have failed
🗝Cartilage though sparsely cellular/vascular exquisitely sensitive to injury
🗝 Max polymorphism in OA is found in the Anabolic pathway

What is New (WIN)
Osteoarthritis – evolving treatments
🗝Shear stress leads to damage while compression leads to regeneration
🗝Has been utilized in Joint distraction showing good results

What is New (WIN)
Osteoarthritis – evolving treatments
🗝Pain might not be the perfect outcome in OA trials
🗝Sprifermin looks promising 👉🏻 effect was more pronounced in patients with progressive disease
🗝 newer drugs on Horizon

What is New (WIN)
Osteoarthritis – evolving treatments
🗝 The right subgroup shows the right results
🗝 CANTOS showed patients on IL1i required lesser joint replacement

What is New (WIN)
Osteoarthritis – evolving treatments
the future looks brighter than bleeker for OA patients

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