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0 interest for non-seokjin things

Jun 5, 2022, 5 tweets

op spilled jin is the only official visual of bts any delusional who argues otherwise should direct their concern to CNN, Billboard, Weverse, Ent Weekly, MMA, MGA, Forbes KOR, KBS, SBS, Arirang, Dispatch, OSEN, every kmedias, BigHit, every idols and oh even their faves as well

seokjin beating every senior and big 3 visuals on the first day of his job oh talk to him nicely #Yours_Jin

he's just like me ☝🏻 #SuperTuna_Jin

seokjin went viral many times from locals since their nugu days not just on pixels on internet but IRL on every nation too like thats on worldwide handsome

okay bye muted ! you could have hit tweets w payola working hard, ratio and lying on his name but also go argue w mbc, tvn, coldplay, every bts pre debut co-trainee and bts themselves coz youll be embarrassed in just a second ☹️

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