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20s she/her 🩷💜💙 i overanalyze everything the Sharmas are my beloveds are they emo cursive? or just british?

Jun 5, 2022, 55 tweets

🧵thread kate's hairstyle evolution throughout the season 🧵 #Bridgerton

okay so, I think everybody noticed that kate's hairstyle went through some changes while the season progressed, so here it is a compilation with a little analysis of all of them

okay so episode 1
1st we have her riding braid: which it's basically kate being herself but with her duty still present with a less severe hairstyle with some strings framing her face but her hair is still contained in the braid

her other braid that i call ready-to-bed braid (i know so original). it first appears with her scene with lady d, where in contrast to the riding braid it's more severe and her hair is more containted and controlled. duty kate

in her 2nd scene we have the first appearance of the hairstyle that is present the most up until ep 3 which i like to call the spinster older sister do, which it's basically kate self assigned role (also society assigned)

lady danbury's first ball of the season

Post-first ball

Diamond ball

in ep 2 the spinster older sister do is present through out and i think in this ep is even more severe and uptight bc kate in this ep is fighting through out the ep against anthony's attempts to court edwina

At Ascot

At the Queen's Palace/ Nectar scene

The Soiree @ Lady D's house

in ep 3 kate starts with that hair do

however we start to see a change with the pall mall scene
we start with the spinster older sister do

but afterwards, and after playing pall mall, the honest talk she had with anthony and finding edmund's grave the hairstyle is a little bit less constrained

in this ep we have the come back of the ready-to-bed braid, however, in contrast to the one in the 1st ep here is more similar to the riding one a little more soft, i think this is bc of the pall mall scene

but also bc when she is with edwina she allows herself being more kate specially after the failed proposal where she lets out her frustration

in the tea scene she is back to her spinster older sister do, maybe it's the scene but i feel like somehow she looks more softer

likewise in the failed proposal scene, it's like she is trying to physically transmit her older sister role, but internally she is a mess of emotions

in the final scene her hairstyle is the severe updo but it is more soft with some curls framing her face, and after the bee sting is a little bit more loose, showing how her emotions are coming out

beginning of ep 4 we have again the loose braid, when we know she is emotionally compromised for what happened the other day

during ep 4 kate's hairstyles is more loose, even tho it tries to be severe little by little through the ep the soft curls framing her face start to appear and makes her look more young and free, showing that her emotions are fighting their way out

during the hunting (while trying to compose and conceal don't feel)

after the hunting (feelings all around)

then we have THE SCENE of kate finally letting her hair down, and i know it's brief but it really captures how both of them are in a moment of vulnerability, in kate case with all her hair down and on her nightgown

of course after that scene is the heart and flowers ball, where kate has her glow up of spinster hairdo to a debutante hairstyle, and of course her emotions are clawing their way out

back again with the bed braid, the heart and the duty fighting again

and the final scene the older sister hairstyle with emotions, too much emotions

episode 5 it's where the try to contain emotions, conceal don't feel but the feelings are being too stubborn prevails throughout of it

in the fitting scene

in the ring scene/boat scene

in the garden scene

in the sheffield dinner/drawing room scene

then the braid is back, which idk maybe im overanalysis but this braid looked a little bit more put together than the ones she had on ep 4, and i believe it's bc in that moment kate's believes she has been able to understand what is happening and what is the course of action

in contrast to the riding braid, which is waaay more loose than the one she had when we first met her, her feelings are all over the place again

ep 6 starts with her hair down but in contrast to ep 4 the hairstyle seemed more neat, and a controlled hairdo, which basically kate hiding and compartmentalizing her feelings

and of course the wedding hairdo is the trying to be a good older sister but my feelings are showing

it's interesting that in tony's imagination he sees her with an updo with curls framing her face

in this ep kate is trying to get back to her neat and tight hairdo from the first ep but the strings of hair are too stubborn (i mean she was bathing here but)

in the promenade/lady d's home

in the museum

in the harmony ball

this ep has the particularity that kate has her hair down the most (besides of ep 8) and the moments when she does is when she is letting out her feelings, in the beginning remembering their kiss

when her and anthony finally do something for themselves

her breakdown afterwards

which led her to the horse accident

during the ep 8 it's the big contrast to what episode 2 had, this ep basically has kate with her hair down and with the most loose and soft hairstyles, showing how she no longers hide in the role of the big spinster sister, and she is kate being feeling

while and when she wakes up

in the rejected proposal

while her and edwina make amends

her talk with mary

then of course in the featherington ball with what i like to call the viscountess hairstyle

which makes a reprise and remix in the pall mall epilogue

and of course the full hair down in the epilogue

the end💜
(full disclosure, this was made bc i wanted to have an excuse to look at pics of simone, and bc of simone sunday )

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