LongCovidPharmD Profile picture
Doctor of Pharmacy. Long Covid, EBV & ME/CFS research. Here to share & learn. Tweets not medical advice. https://t.co/jqc4g8cFLa https://t.co/lKQezPwtQs

Jun 6, 2022, 6 tweets

LUTEOLIN for neurodegenerative effects ("brain fog") in EBV, Long Covid, MCAS, & ME/CFS? A quick overview. 🧵 iubmb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bi…

The potential benefits of luteolin in Long Covid & related diseases are vast.

Unfortunately, luteolin is not greatly bioavailable, and there is potential for drug interactions (as there are for many other common Long Covid supplements) due to CYP3A4 inhibition. However, bioavailability is enhanced with lipid formulations.

Many with Long Covid or ME/CFS take quercetin, another CYP3A4 inhibitor. It's best not to take more than 1.5 g total daily dose of polyphenols like quercetin, resveratrol, EGCG et al due to potential disruption of the gut microbiota and/or metabolic interactions.

Of note: The dose used in the autism study was quite aggressive but it does fall below the 1.5 g total daily threshold in those under 70 mg. Example: a 60 kg individual who took this dosing regimen would need 600 mg luteolin + ~600 mg quercetin = 1.2 g.

NeuroProtek brand appears very similar to the supplement used in the above study. This suggests that its bioavailability may be good enough to yield discernible results. This brand also sources safe ingredients (not peanut shells or kava beans) formulated w/ olive pomace oil.

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