Md Zeeshan Ali Profile picture
There is no God but Allah SWT | Techie l Traveller l Sports Enthusiast l Indian Muslim l Non Judgemental. Be kind and merciful to everyone around you :)

Jun 6, 2022, 15 tweets

Thread of condemnation by Nations, organisations, personalities around the world on the derogatory remarks made by Ex BJP members (Nupur Sharma- National Spokesperson and Nalini Kumar Jindal- Delhi Media Head) about our beloved Rasool Allah Mohammad SAW.

Qatar: 1/12

Iran: 2/12

Maldives: 3/12

Pakistan PM: 4/12

Afghanistan: 5/12

Egypt- Al Azhar University: 6/12

Oman: 7/12

OIC: 8/12

Libya: 9/12

Saudi: 10/12

OIC-IPHRC: 11/12

Kuwait: 12/12

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