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Jun 6, 2022, 8 tweets

During the President's Report Ted Wilson will perform a surprise baptism. This connects to a 2021 Adventist World Radio story about a group of Leftist Filipino rebels hearing about Adventism, attending evangelistic meetings, and joining the church. #GCSession

These photos from Sunday, before the start of the #GCSession show the mobile baptismal “pool” being prepared.

Ted Wilson visited the Philippines last year during November and participated in some of the reaping efforts as detailed in this Adventist Review article, "When Ted Wilson Preached to an Empty Field in the Philippines." #GCSession

The group, called the New People's Army, formed in the late 1960s in opposition to the right-wing dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos. The current president Rodrigo Dutarte declared them a terrorist organization in 2017. #GCSession

As noted in this report by the AWR president (left), during his visit to the Philippines, Ted Wilson met with Rodrigo Dutarte (right) before beginning his evangelistic preaching. awr.org/reflections-fr…

This "President's Report" baptism will occur as the #GCSession nominating committee meets to elect the next president of the General Conference.

Ted Wilson baptizes Eric Guevarra, a Philippine army colonel. Guevarra says he was impressed to join the Adventist Church after seeing the conversion of Filipino rebels.

Wilson also uses the opportunity to make a public call from the baptismal tank, providing a good optics opportunity for his message of promoting evangelism.

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