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Jun 6, 2022, 7 tweets

Today is #WorldFoodSafetyDay
We all want our food to be safe. And we all want to be healthy

However, globally, 1 in 10 people per year succumb to foodborne diseases.
Foodborne diseases can be mild to very serious, even leading to death


Safe food meets our nutritional needs.
It helps adults to live an active and healthy life.
And it aids growth in children


Unsafe foods contribute to many diseases and other poor health conditions, like

🍽️impaired growth and development
🍽️micronutrient deficiencies
🍽️noncommunicable or communicable diseases
🍽️mental illness

Each person has a role to play when it comes to food safety.

Whether you...

👨‍🌾grow your food
🥫process it
🚒transport it
🫙 store it
💰sell or buy it
🍳prepare or serve it

#FoodSafety is in your hands.


Children below five are at greater risk of malnutrition and mortality due to unsafe food.
They carry 40 percent of the foodborne disease burden


Unsafe food causes 1 in 6 deaths from diarrhoea in this age group.
The magnitude of the public health because of foodborne diseases is comparable to that of malaria or HIV/AIDS

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