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okay so how do i make this about markhyuck | rpf | mostly nsfw | minors dni |

Jun 7, 2022, 54 tweets

a nahyuck socmed au || #nahyuck

although known for being such a player, na jaemin is the number one student in his university. things get competitive when lee donghyuck, the nerd with scholarship transfers there.

- academic rivals to lovers
- mostly humour and nsfw. i always indicate when i post nsfw content.
- please ignore the timestamps or hair colors unless i am pointing them out.
- this is not a mini au.
- thank you for being here <3

meet donghyuck.

meet jaemin.

meet donghyuck’s friends.

meet jaemin’s friends.

get to know jaemin:

get to know donghyuck:

will start in a few days, thank u for waiting <3

starting now ✨





















.21 (jeno’s pov)





.26 jeno’s pov


















to be continued <3

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