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Jun 7, 2022, 6 tweets

Erton Köhler kicks off his Secretariat report with a dramatic short video and a direct message that all that he does is for mission. Speaking forcefully, he emphasizes “urgency” and “efficiency.”

Erton Köhler introduces past GC Secretaries and invites members of the Secretariat on to the stage present. #GCSession

David Trim, PhD, Director of the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, emphasizes growth while tempering interpretations of institutionalization. Drawing attention beyond church structure, Trim notes the rise and mission importance of education and health care. #GCSession

After a series of reports emphasizing missionary activity, Köhler returns to the stage reading brief, targeted quotes from EGW and an African proverb. He also introduces representatives of various Secretariat stakeholders and global mission workers. #GCSession

In response to the Secretariat #GCSession report, delegates ask about data process, entity decline, structure vs. restructuring mission, better missionary training, and membership retention efforts.

Just before the vote to accept the report ending the section, Köhler responds to a #GCSession delegate question about openness and change in structure. He states, "We don't do revolutions..." He calls the church a giant that moves slowly, but always keeps two feet on the ground.

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