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Jun 8, 2022, 9 tweets

#ElevateWICS is getting started early today with a breakfast and panel featuring #cybersecurity leaders discussing their careers and the importance of supporting women in the industry. #RSAC

"Elevate is not just for women rising at the early stage of their career...women at every stage need this community's support," says Erin Joe, Mandiant SVP, Strategy and Alliances & Executive Sponsor of #ElevateWICS
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“In terms of having a seat at the table, we are on our own journey wrestling with whether we belong in the room. Someone had the confidence to put you there. … You have to go with it," says @karenkaukol CMO @entrust_corp #ElevateWICS

"Don’t sit back and wait for someone to recruit you. Go for it and if you get the job, then you’re qualified," says @DawnCappelli, Director, #OT CERT for @DragosInc #ElevateWICS

"For me, the definition of confidence is gaining success over time from the steps you take," says @ekvochko, Chief Trust Officer @SAP #ElevateWICS

@christywyatt, President & CEO @absolutecorp discussing the impact of the Great Resignation: 1 in every 4 women left the workforce during the pandemic. Now we need to invest in getting that group back in. #ElevateWICS

"Taking someone who doesn’t have the technical skills but you can see they have ambition … that’s such an important quality," says @DawnCappelli, Director, #OT CERT for @DragosInc #ElevateWICS

Responding to a Q from the audience, "What do you say to couples and how to decide who puts their career on hold for the family vs. who will provide?" #ElevateWICS panel sharing their own experiences on balancing leadership while also raising families, not always perfectly. #RSAC

As the panel wraps, Erin Joe, Mandiant SVP, Strategy & Alliances & Executive Sponsor of #ElevateWICS notes, "We could have these conversations all day. This event has shown that there's value in these organizations & forums." Thank you to everyone who joined & participated! #RSAC

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