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Jun 8, 2022, 8 tweets

From Johannesburg ➑️ New York, the 2022 J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge Series is underway.

Join us for a runπŸƒβ€ down memory lane for our favorite road race. πŸ‘‡

1977: #JPMCC begins as the Manufacturers Hanover Corporate Challenge, which debuts in Central Park despite a city-wide blackout in NYC πŸŒƒ. 200 runners from 50 companies cross the finish line at the inaugural race.

Off to the races…

1983: The event becomes a series with races around the United States. Runners laced up for the first time in San Francisco πŸŒ‰ where participants were promised post-race ice cream 🍦.

2 historic mergers changed the race in the β€˜90s.

1992: ✍️ Manufacturers Hanover + Chemical Bank = Chemical Bank Corporate Challenge.

1996: 🀝 Chemical Bank + Chase Manhattan Bank = Chase Corporate Challenge.

Time to break some records!

2001: The Series has its first year as the JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge with over 200K racers for the first time 🎊.

2008: Frankfurt race hits a record 73,719 participants, which was the largest number of participants in road race history πŸƒ.

The race expands around the globe… 🌎

2011: The Series name changes to the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge - now in 13 locations across 7 countries.

The race continues to hit milestones πŸŽ‰

2017: JPMorgan Chase donates over $800,000 to nonprofit organizations in 13 Corporate Challenge cities.

2018: Chicago hosts the largest single-night πŸŒƒ Corporate Challenge in U.S. history with 27,777 total participants.

We’re ready to make history again this year.

2022: After two years of virtual races, #JPMCC is back this year in 15 cities in 8 countries around the world. 🌎

Learn more at πŸ‘‡: jpmorganchasecc.com/en/home/history

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