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We’re determined to make organizations secure against cyber threats and confident in their readiness.

Jun 8, 2022, 8 tweets

Happening now: Our CEO Kevin Mandia is joining a panel at #RSAC discussing lessons learned from the #SolarWinds cyber breach & how businesses can transform to face tomorrow’s cyber threats.

Asked about increasing sophistication in #cybersecurity, Kevin says that “in 2021 we saw over 70 zero days. Hackers are gaining capabilities & there is enough money in cybercrime that actors are buying zero days.”

“I don’t think the #cybersecurity landscape looks remarkably different in 2022, but we do see nations states and cyber criminals becoming more sophisticated. The lesson from this is that we have to make cyber security national security.” - @CISAJen during the #RSAC panel.

“Going back to the topic of zero trust, cyber security went through this stage where there wasn’t really a guard at the gate. Now with zero trust we can know when someone walks out and every time someone walks in” - Kevin Mandia during #RSAC panel.

“We all know at the end of the day we can not get this job done without trust. The most important thing we cant do is to ensure we are developing trust among partners. Trust is hard to build and easy to lose,” says @CISAJen at #RSAC.

@solarwinds President & CEO Sudhakar Ramakrishna says, “As an industry we are quick to mobilize, but slow to act. We have a long way to go. Why? We are in an asymmetric situation. We are fragmented and have to follow rules. The adversary is coordinated and they can move freely.”

“A lot of what we have to deal with as cyber security practitioners is the anonymity of information and attackers. This emboldens the adversary. We don’t want anonymity. As cyber security practitioners we are always trying to pierce it so we can defend ourselves.” - Kevin Mandia

In his final thoughts at the #RSAC panel, Kevin advises “What is your ‘silver bullet’? Get attribution right. You can’t proportionally respond unless you know who is doing it.”

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