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Jun 9, 2022, 12 tweets


After rereading both Sanji and Zoro's match ups against King and Queen, I don't scale Zoro above Sanji anymore. I think they're both equal, with Sanji having a slight edge. I'll summarize my reasons why. Again, feel free to disagree but any salt, you're removed.

Not only does Sanji have the lunarian attributes of King, but he doesn't have his weakness of having to transition either to power or speed, without having to sacrifice either one.

With King's weaknesses, the flame behind his back or not, determines which state he's in, which might be a trait exclusive to lunarians.

If his flames are on:
- High offense
- High defense
- Slower

If his flames are out:
- Low defense
- Low offense
- Faster

Despite his recent conqueror's coating, finding out King's weakness was the way to take King out, which he himself noted. His conqueror's did gradually get strong enough to damage King (w/ flame) as 1035 goes on, King's disadvantaged.

Despite King's disadvantages, Zoro still struggled all throughout until he levelled up near the end. Now imagine if King was able to balance both his states? That's Sanji in this situation and Queen further supports this in the both of the images shown below.

Sanji has the best of both worlds. He's fast while his body is protected with an exoskeleton, all while possessing a Ifrit jamble, an evolved version of his default diable jambe, but with blue flame.

Making Sanji's flames superior to King's default except for his Imperial dragon signature and finisher "Imperial guardian fire dragon", which are both stated to be parallel to magma heat, which Zoro was able to cut through.

Zoro arguably may have the attack power to counter Sanji's defenses, but it'll take many attempts (as shown with King) until there's a result and even then, may prove difficult cause unlike King, Sanji doesn't have the option of sacrificing off or def.

Having them in unison will be a disadvantage on Zoro's end, as it prolongs the fight further. We already know that Enma plays a detriment on Zoro atm, so he'll have to try and finish the fight as quickly before Enma drains him fully.

Another disadvantage is that he cannot naturally assimilate ACoC without fully bending to the blade's will, which comes with a major debt regarding his body. So there's the question if whether or not he's able to use ACOC without putting his body through near death.

In short, Sanji is a more perfect version of King with superior flames. He has the lunarian qualities of King's power, speed and his durability in default, all bundled into one. This concludes the thread.

Sanji will give Zoro more difficulty. They are equals.


Bonus examples:
- He has healing factors, similar to his brothers. You can use that to assume why he was able to recover much faster than Zoro who took a week. Sanji's body has the ability to put itself back into place, once Queen had crushed his body.

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