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Official International account for the Office of the Secretary of Communication for the Government of Brazil

Jun 9, 2022, 9 tweets

Façade of the building that now houses the headquarters of the National Archives of Brazil. Engraving by Pierre-Emile Levasseur, in “Le Brésil”, Paris, 1899. National Archives of Brazil. Maria Beatriz Nascimento Library, Rare books collection. #IndependenceForLife #Bicentennial

The National Archives of Brazil protect the country’s documentary heritage. It is responsible for the archives management system, preserving, technically processing, and granting public access to thousands of documents anywhere in the world through the Internet.

The National Archives, created in 1838 as the Public Archives of the Empire of Brazil, is guardian of the Documents and Archives Management System of the federal public administration, and houses documents from the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary state branches.

Its stunning neoclassical headquarters in Rio de Janeiro dates back to 1853. The splendor of the interior and exterior details, colored stained glass windows and the ceiling covered with paintings reveal the glamour of this architectural ensemble, national heritage since 1938.

In its 2 units in Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia, the National Archives safeguard about 55 km of text documents; 1.74 million photographs & negatives, 200 photo albums,4k cartoons and drawings,3k posters, 300 drawings and 20k illustrations,as well as maps, films and sound recordings

Between 2020 and 2021, 5.4 million documents from the collection were digitized, 3,700 documents restored, and 545,000 documents preserved. The protection and security of both the documentary and the architectural heritage remains of utmost importance for the National Archives.

The National Archives of Brazil concurs with the objectives highlighted by the International Archives Day to raise public awareness of the importance of long-term archival preservation and access, stressing the benefits of records management for good governance and development.

For @govbrazil official international account for the Office of the Secretary of Communications for the Government of Brazil, it is a pleasure to work with the National Archives in our #Bicenntenial2022 #IndependenceForLife #Brasil200 campaign.
Happy #InternationalArchivesDay !

This year, Brazil celebrates two centuries of Independence - the dream that seeded all Brazilian realities. Because Brazil is about people. It’s about our ideas, our memories, our hopes, our faith, our histories, our ingenuity, our hard work and our passion. This is who we are.

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