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SCHEDULE •VA: Depp v Heard - 6/1/22, verdict for Johnny Depp; Case in the Appellate Court •CA: Brooks v Depp -Dismissal after settlement 2/16/23

Jun 9, 2022, 5 tweets


Thank you for always being the 'man in the arena.' For being the 'man in the arena' especially over the last six years. In your testimony, you stated that Ms. Heard's malicious false allegations would be part of your legacy, and while true in part,...

your greater legacy will be your determination to expose the truth of the severe abuse you endured in that relationship & your vindication. Out of the suffering, on your journey for truth, your vindication in Virginia, your monumental journey has given a voice to men. You...

have raised an awareness of the inequity's men face when they find themselves the victims of abuse and false allegations. You have shown the notion of "Believe Women" & the toxicity of the MeToo, Times, Up movements that helped perpetuate Ms. Heard's malicious lies and...

facilitate your 'cancellation,' your public condemnation in 2016, without evidence. You have awakened the public to massive support because you had the courage and the means to take Ms. Heard to court. You will never know the full extent your case has meant to men, to all...

abuse victims. You Mr. Depp are the 'man in the arena.' We believed in you in 2016, we went on this journey with you, and we salute you; you did not just attain vindication for yourself, you did it for all victims/survivors & you secured a far greater legacy.⬇️🙏⚖️🏴‍☠️

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