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UNC's "Silent Sam" Confederate monument will not return to its place of honor on campus. Also: rename Morrison Hall! move.silent.sam at gmail. com

Jun 10, 2022, 21 tweets

Nick Fuentes' dad Bill Fuentes is guilty of supporting his son's racism.

Bill and Lauren Chicco Fuentes allowed Nicholas to live-stream his white nationalist talk show from their home basement for years.

Bill is V.P. of RBI Bearing, and a Manufacturer Council member at PTDA.

RBI Bearing & PTDA should investigate whether Bill Fuentes broke any company policies by aiding and abetting the white nationalist activity of his adult son Nick Fuentes.

For years, Bill allowed Nicholas to spread racism and build a racist organization — from his home basement.

We don't have evidence that Bill Fuentes is racist.

We DO have evidence Bill Fuentes knowingly allowed his son to broadcast a white nationalist talk show from his home from 2017-2022, when his son was ages 18-23.

Nick built a racist cult in those 5 years.

Bill is complicit.

We do not have evidence that Nick Fuentes' sister is racist.

We DO have evidence that his mother Lauren Chicco Fuentes is racist.

Lauren Fuentes did more than simply permit her son to build a white nationalist movement from her home basement. She actively encouraged it.

On 12/23/2021, Lauren Chicco Fuentes called into her son's white nationalist talk show. Nick was live-streaming in her home basement. She was upstairs

His mom wished a merry Christmas to his white nationalist audience. She also provided racist commentary about a recent shooting.

When the racist conversation ended, Nick Fuentes said that his mom Lauren Chicco Fuentes had never made an appearance on his white nationalist talk show before.

"I hope she doesn't get canceled for that. Hopefully she doesn't get in trouble."

Full nine-minute video:

"Nick Fuentes’s racist mom Lauren calls into his white nationalist talk show"…

For 5+ years, Nick Fuentes' parents have known what he does because they watch his white nationalist talk show (and call into it).

Nicholas has also been in the national news ever since 2017 when he participated in the racist "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

"Charlottesville: Student who attended neo-Nazi rally forced to leave university after backlash"

In 2017, his racist activity was also covered by TIME Magazine, FOX News, The Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune...

"At the protest, there were chants of 'Jews will not replace us.'"

On the day of the racist "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Nick Fuentes posted on Facebook that “a tidal wave of white identity is coming”

Bill Fuentes & Lauren Chicco Fuentes have known of Nick's white nationalist activity since at least 2017.…

"Nick Fuentes proclaimed his belief that 'multiculturalism is a cancer'”

"He has also called for journalists to be hanged for what he believes are fake news reports."

Lauren and Bill Fuentes have known about Nicholas' violent white nationalist activity since at least 2017.

There's more evidence to share, but let us assure you that we will provide action steps at the end of this thread.

Hopefully, RBI Bearing & PTDA will investigate Bill Fuentes and his support for the white nationalist activity of his son Nick Fuentes.…

"Back at his parents' house where he lives — recording his streams from the basement — I decided to challenge him."

-Louis Theroux in the 2022 BBC documentary "Forbidden America"

The film goes deep into the white nationalist activity of Nick Fuentes and his Nazi groyper friends


-Nick Fuentes attended Boston University for his freshman year

-he dropped out after attending the Nazi rally in Charlottesville

-from 2017-2022, he lived in his parents home where he live-streamed his white nationalist talk show

-Spring 2022, Nick moved out; nearby

Nick Fuentes was featured in the 2019 MTV News program "White Supremacy Destroyed My Life."

Nicholas is seen live-streaming his white nationalist talk show in the home basement of his mom & dad Lauren Chicco Fuentes and Bill Fuentes.

Bill is V.P. of RBI Bearing & a PTDA leader.

In 2020 and 2021 — while living in the home of his dad Bill Fuentes (RBI Bearing & PTDA) and Lauren Chicco Fuentes — Nick Fuentes led baseless 'Stop the Steal' rallies and participated in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection.

"Break down the barriers and disregard the police!"

Nick Fuentes Faces Scrutiny Following Jan. 6 Subpoena

"The House committee investigating the storming of the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, subpoenaed white nationalist activist Nick Fuentes"…

“Republicans just screwed us. What can you and I do to a state legislator besides kill them?”

-Nick Fuentes

Photo: NJF with 'Stop the Steal" co-leaders Ali Alexander & Alex Jones

"Meet the White Nationalist Organizer Who Spewed Hate Against Lawmakers"…

This thread is a compilation of work done by many. Thanks to everyone who contributed, and to everyone who provided the source material included here.

We echo what others have been saying:

RBI Bearing & PTDA should investigate Bill Fuentes' support of his son's racist activity.

The best way to contact RBI Bearing may be the general email address provided on their website.


As RBI Vice President, Bill Fuentes knowingly allowed his son Nick to build a white nationalist movement from his basement.

PTDA should know that their elected Manufacturer Council member Bill Fuentes has supported his son's white nationalist activity for five years running.

Staff emails here:…


@PTDAorg CEO Ann Arnott is here: @PTDAceo

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