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Jun 11, 2022, 28 tweets

With the mantra of reform, perform and transform as the mantra, India has been able to remain one of the fastest economies in the world. Here's a 🧵 about how the government is ushering in growth and economic prosperity. #8YearsofReforms

The government, under the leadership of PM @narendramodi implemented great reforms that resulted in India remaining the fastest growing economy with a GDP growth rate of 8.7%. #8YearsofReforms

India continues to leave a mark on the globe! The nation continues to remain the fastest growing economy amongst the major economies across the globe in 2022, with a GDP growth rate of 8.2%. #8YearsofReforms

India was, is, and will continue to be the world's fastest growing economy! #8YearsofReforms

India made a historic record of $254 billion worth of exports in the service industry. Similarly, in the goods sector, India made a record-breaking $421 billion worth of exports. #8YearsOfReforms

GST collections continue to outperform! #8YearsOfReforms

India has been able to give impetus to a digital revolution that is benefiting every citizen. With the increase in @UPI_NPCI transaction value, India accounts for 40% of the digital transactions taking place across the globe. #8YearsOfReforms

India is full of energy and its energy future is bright and secure: PM @narendramodi #8YearsOfReforms

Towards a fast-moving economic upswing! Freight figures continue to maintain record-high momentum in freight loading and railway earnings. #8YearsOfReforms

India’s automobile industry is continuously growing! #8YearsOfReforms

India is moving towards becoming the fastest green-economy of the world. #8YearsOfReforms

With an increase in E-way bill collections, India witnesses a significant growth in economic activity. #8YearsOfReforms

Fly high, India! ✈️ Air traffic experienced a quantum leap to pre-pandemic levels. #8YearsOfReforms

Major reforms that are transforming the Indian Economy! #8YearsOfReforms

India is one of the few countries in the world to bring labour-friendly reforms. They are not only contributing to a better working environment but also accelerating the pace of economic growth. #8YearsOfReforms

Making India the most preferred investment destination 🇮🇳 Committed to furthering 'Ease of Doing Business', the government is empowering enterprises by reducing compliance & pushing the #AatmaNirbharBharat dream. #8YearsOfReforms

Production Linked Incentives: Making India a global manufacturing hub. #8YearsOfReforms

GST has fulfilled India’s aspirations of 'One Nation, One Market, One Tax'. It has given a big thrust to economic growth and opened new avenues for small businesses. #8YearsOfReforms

GeM has not only transformed the government’s procurement process but also empowered buyers & sellers all over the country. #8YearsOfReforms

Celebrating the golden age of the Indian startup ecosystem! #8YearsOfReforms

With progressive space reforms, programmes & missions, the growth of India’s space sector is showcasing the country as one of the leading space superpowers! #8YearsOfReforms

The journey of financial inclusion! DBT has eliminated middlemen & enabled the transfer of subsidies to the bank accounts of beneficiaries in a timely & efficient manner. #8YearsOfReforms

Creating a robust telecom sector for New India! #8YearsOfReforms

With various path-breaking reforms, India is on its way to building an #AatmaNirbhar defence sector! #8YearsOfReforms

Supporting & strengthening MSMEs like never before! #8YearsOfReforms

Reforming and transforming the coal sector. #8YearsOfReforms

Mining reforms: Fuelling the growth of India's economy! #8YearsOfReforms

Digital India, New India! Building a safe banking ecosystem. #8YearsOfReforms

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