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Jun 12, 2022, 5 tweets


Mega Solidarity & Endorsement Rally in support of the second-term ambition of Gov AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq organized by AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq Students' Support Group (AASSG)

Currently at Government Secondary Sch, Ilorin

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*12:44 Hrs: Kwara State Governor, @RealAARahman addressed members of AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq Students' Support Group (AASSG) during the association Mega Solidarity and Endorsement Rally in support of the second-term ambition of the Governor

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State Coordinator of AASSG, Comr Wasiu Onidugbe addressing members of state executive council led by @followKWSG, @RealAARahman, which in attendance SSG, Prof Maman Jubril, Commissioner for Communications, Bode Towoju shortly after the association Mega Solidarity


Kwara State Gov @RealAARahman responded to the AASSG delegation team to the Presidential lodge shortly after the association Mega Solidarity and Endorsement Rally in support of the second-term ambition of the Governor

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PHOTO : Yesterday State Coordinator @AASSG2023, Salami Wasiu Onidugbe presented letter of endorsement to Kwara State Governor, Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq for his reelection bid


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