Maryna Khromykh Profile picture
Civil activist, Executive Director of DEJURE Foundation

Jun 14, 2022, 9 tweets

Ukraine is mourning one of its most prominent civil activists @ratushnyi_r who was killed by russian occupants. From the first days of the full-scale invasion, he took arms to fight the aggressor. Last week he was captured and shot in gross violation of the international laws👇

Roman spent 9 years fighting corruption, injustice & 🇷🇺 subversion in 🇺🇦. At the age of 15 he became one of the youngest victims of police brutality during the Maidan Revolution. In 2021, the ECHR upheld his claim, recognizing that his right to peaceful protest had been violated.

In 2019, he launched NGO Protect Protasiv Yar, which fought against illegal construction of 3 high-rise buildings in the recreational zone of Kyiv. As a result of his fearless opposition to construction tycoons, he was persecuted and received several death threats from criminals.

Roman was an avid supporter of the fight for justice in 🇺🇦. He had consecutively participated in rallies for justice in the cases of Katia Handziuk and @sternenko as well as in rallies against corrupted politicians and officials such as former minister of interior Arsen Avakov.

Roman was invited to Brussels to meet with @pmwBxl, head of Ukraine's support group at the European Commission, a member of the @EEDemocracy. Later Mr. Wagner wrote that he was impressed by the courage of the activists, “who dedicated themselves to protecting Protasiv Yar".

In 2021 he spent almost a month under house arrest on false pretense after taking part in the rally to support the release of @sternenko. Persecution had caused a public outcry as the civil society viewed his arrest as unlawful prosecution for his opposition to construction mafia

Numerous NGO organizations called then on the law enforcement agencies to stop the pressure and unjustified persecution of civil activist Roman Ratushnyy.

After the full-scale invasion, Roman immediately joined the forces of the territorial defense service and was protecting Kyiv from russian occupiers. Later he joined the Armed forces of Ukraine and was fighting against russian invaders in the East of the country.

Roman was one of the greatest people whom I have ever known. His loss is irreparable for our country. He should have become one of the political leaders of the new Ukraine for years to come. Instead, we lost him to Russian agression at 24. Rest In Peace, dear Friend!

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