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The Behind Labour Team investigates endemic corruption of all kinds within and behind the Left here in the UK & beyond. Your career is our playground. 😁

Jun 15, 2022, 10 tweets

🧵1/9 On today's #NOTPMQs show we covered the growing threat of a leadership challenge from #WesStreeting against #KeirStarmer. Here's the small (for us) thread on it...

🧵2/9 Why has the #LabourParty right abandoned Starmer in favour of Streeting?

It's a legitimate question - whose ice cream (donor support) will melt first?

🧵3/9 The Financial Times piece that kicked off the race... "Is Wes Streeting the saviour Labour desperately needs?"

It could be re-translated "Rich donors around Canary Wharf, please send money and nudes."

🧵4/9 Starmer's problem - his polls are consistently tanking on a personal level. The cardboard man himself is total drag on the party... so the right are lining up an emergency replacement if they need it. Enter stage via the pet shop door: Wes Streeting.

🧵5/9 The 'Institute For Government' had Wes over for a leadership challenge PR stunt, broadcast online, to the rich lords and ladies that the IFG represents. It was the things Wes FAILED TO MENTION that cause the most concern for us.

🧵6/9 Streeting said:

"...using the private sector to bring down NHS waiting lists."

"...making sure you are paying for people to get care as fast as possible, within the NHS, whether that is using the private sector or not, is a left-wing position."

What? In what universe? 😂

🧵7/9 Then he said:

"I think private providers have said that, where we are at the moment, they are doing less NHS work now than they were pre-pandemic, and they're in a position to deliver 130% more treatment, in terms of capacity, than they were pre-pandemic."


🧵8/9 So it's interesting then that £15,000 was deposited into Streeting's political office funds from a private healthcare investor at the beginning of the year. The money arrives... then he talks up private healthcare. Coincidental we're sure. 😂 @skwawkbox

🧵9/9 We're concerned the Shadow Health Secretary is advocating for the heavy use of private healthcare in the NHS, whilst receiving political funding from private healthcare sources, and avoiding the 'free at the point of consumption' rhetorical red-line that protects our NHS.

ADDENDUM: (Translation: Stuff the RMT, I dont want their votes anyway, and my advisors are telling me leftist support isn't required for my leadership bid... ner ner ner)…

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