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Doing what our name says, holding Big Tech accountable. #ReinInBigTech

Jun 15, 2022, 9 tweets

Antitrust TikTok is a thing!

We’re thrilled to have partnered with @socialcurrant to elevate young, diverse TikTok creators interested in supporting historic bipartisan legislation to #ReinInBigTech.

Congress is considering two bipartisan bills to #ReinInBigTech’s societal harms and monopoly power:

1️⃣ American Innovation and Choice Online Act

2️⃣ Open App Markets Act

Don’t just take it from us. The U.S. has a long history of creating and enforcing strong antitrust laws to protect competition and consumers. History teacher and TikTok creator Dana Fortune explains:…

.@truemper_jake rewinds to 1890 to explain the history of antitrust legislation in the U.S. and why early antitrust laws may be outdated for today’s Big Tech monopolies.…

As Dana Fortune explains, unchecked monopoly power has allowed Big Tech to exploit and harm users, workers, and democracy. It’s time for Congress to pass historic bipartisan legislation to #ReinInBigTech.…

A great TikTok from Fen aka "Dr. Horrible Jr” explains how Amazon rigs their marketplace and hurts small businesses. #ReinInBigTech…

TikTok creator @/IndesKribeaBULL illustrates how Big Tech monopolies like Amazon create copy-cat products and then promote them in their own search results to undermine competitors.…

Historic bipartisan antitrust legislation is quickly advancing towards a vote in Congress. Watch @bzamoratv give the full update on TikTok.…

It’s time to #ReinInBigTech.

Join us in supporting historic bipartisan antitrust legislation to curb Big Tech’s societal harms and monopoly power to help restore competition and innovation:

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