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Jai KCR ! Jai Telangana !!

Jun 16, 2022, 14 tweets

Why KCR criticize Modi ? & Why He wants to establish a new national party ?

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There is a need for a qualitative change in the nation.75 yrs have already gone by. It’s high time now. I appeal to the youth of this country to awaken and fight for this nation.



BJP should be thrown in Bay of Bengal for nation to thrive.
In india 65,000 TMC water is available but At present, the country is utilizing only 35,000 TMC through projects. Water wars seen everywhere in the country. What's the reason? Because of bad water policy of modi govt


BJP and the Centre are causing religious tensions and creating feuds among people. Modi termed the opposition parties as ‘Urban Naxals’, if anyone questioning the BJP are abused as urban naxals or anti-nationals. “Is that what we expect from a Prime Minister ?


“Safed jhoot” KCR on Modi power price claims..



Modi govt has completely spoiled the ECO system of the nation...



Is the US election some Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation election? How can PM Modi give a call for ‘Abki baar Trump sarkar’ from US soil? is this the foreign policy of bjp govt ??



When there are elections, BJP brings Hindu-Muslim issue, Pakistan sentiment... During elections,They create communal tensions & drama on the border to gain votes..


Bjp want's Always Credits From others.

भारत के जवान देश के लिए लड़ रहा है तो, उनका क्रेडिट भी, भाजपा ने चुनाव में उपयोग करना चाहते हैं।

Most 3rd class Party is BJP...


‘I Am a Troll' Inside the Secret World of the BJP’s IT Cell written by investigative journalist @bainjal written on the BJP IT cell and said that there was a discussion at Harvard University over the topic.


@bainjal @krishanKTRS


KCR will soon file a case in the Supreme Court against the Modi govt's corruption in Rafale deal. The Modi govt purchased 36 Rafale fighters for $9.4 billion, but recently Indonesia bought 42 Rafale jets for just $8 billion. Who is the thief??


Modi of being totally undemocratic, the governments in Karnataka & Madhya Pradesh were toppled against people’s mandate..


Reporter @umasudhir :- center becoming like a super power because of it's control on financial resources on other resources

KCR - both congress & BJP have miserably fail in maintaining the co - opreative Federalism of this country.


Reporter - About your national ambition..?

KCR : It's not my ambition , pls don't misquote me. It is for a Qualitative Change of the Nation..


@umasudhir :- relationship between central and state protocol?You always attacks modi

KCR - whenever a PM is there in a state definitely state govt welcomes. attacking politically is my Policy. Even while sitting along with modi in his helicopter i will tell the same thing.

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