Nduka Orjinmo Profile picture
Gardener. Bloomberg NG

Jun 17, 2022, 8 tweets

Mass burial is being held today for victims of that atrocious #owomassacre . We seem to have become numbed by death, we tend to move on quite easily. But let us not forget Veginus Nwani and his daughter, 11yr-old Chidiogo that died in the attack. 1

Chidiogo was one of four children who died that day. After the shooting, her brother carried his sister's body to the nearest hospital, where she was pronounced dead on arrival. 2

Let us not forget Mr and Mrs Onuoha who were sitting beside each other in church when the attack happened. Neighbours and friends remember Mrs Onuoha, a petty trader, as always being willing to help. Her husband was a gardener at a university. 3

Let u not forget Umunna Okafor and his son. Mr Okafor used himself as a shield to try and protect his son but the powerful bullets tore through him. Responders found their lifeless bodies, with him still lying over his son, in the aftermath of the attack. 4

Let us not forget Caroline Agboola, a widow, who sold akara next to the church where she was also a member. Described by many as a good listener, she was loved by those in the community. Before her death, she had invited her son Tope Ibijowo for a rice meal. 5

Let us not forget Bridget Ozurumba who was with her family in church when the attack happened. Her son is one of those injured and is currently being treated at one of the nearby hospitals, along with more than 60 others. 6

See their faces, remember their stories.

Let us not forget them.


All the names and more of the faces of the #owomassacre can be found here:


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