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Jun 17, 2022, 6 tweets

#BreakingViews | @PawanKhera, Spokesperson, Congress, on the #AgnipathProtests

#BreakingViews | @_YogendraYadav,
Member and Former President, Swaraj India, on the unemployment crisis

#BreakingViews | Gobardhan Das (@dasgobardhan), Leader, BJP, on the #AgnipathProtests

#BreakingViews | Lt Gen Raj Kadyan (retd) (@rajkadyan8), Former Deputy Chief of Army Staff on the #AgnipathScheme

#BreakingViews | Rajeev Ranjan Prasad (@RajivRanjanJDU), National Secretary, JDU, on the #AgnipathProtests

#BreakingViews | Shivam Vats, an aspirant from Bihar, on the #AgnipathScheme

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