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Jun 17, 2022, 8 tweets

#TheBigFight | Major General Yash Mor (Retd) (@yashmor5), Defense Analyst, on the #AgnipathScheme

#TheBigFight | Lt. Gen. SL Narasimhan (Retd), Member, National Security Advisory Board, and Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies, on the #AgnipathScheme

#TheBigFight | Major General BS Dhanoa(Retd), Defence Expert, on the #AgnipathScheme

#TheBigFight | Rear Admiral Sudarshan Shrikhande (retd), Former Head, Naval Intelligence, Defence Analyst, on the #AgnipathScheme

#TheBigFight | Wing Commander Anuma Acharya (retd) (@AnumaVidisha), Former Air Force Officer, Spokesperson, Congress, on the #AgnipathScheme

#TheBigFight | Brig Anil Gupta (retd) (@BrigadierAnil), Leader BJP, J&K, Defence Analyst, on the #AgnipathScheme

#TheBigFight | Cdr KP Sanjeev Kumar (Retd), Ex-naval aviator and experimental test pilot, on the #AgnipathScheme

#TheBigFight | @ajaishukla, defence analyst, on the #AgnipathScheme

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