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Jun 17, 2022, 12 tweets

Speech of #PrincessIngridAlexandra πŸ“ƒ

β€œI would like to thank the PM and government again for the fantastic experience at Deichmann last night. I could not have received a better gift.

Then I would like to thank grandma and grandpa for arranging this nice party for me.”


β€œDear mom & dad, thank you so much for everything you have given me. Mom, we can talk about anything. Thank you for allowing us to lie on the couch and watch series, such as Sex and the City. I really appreciate everything you do for me.”



"Dad, thank you for taking us skiing and surfing and all sorts of activities. You fix and fix, and are calm when the rest of us are not. I'm very grateful that you support me, and I know you will always do that. I'm very fond of you."


β€œDear Marius and Magnus. You are my safety net. I know I can always come to you when something is bothering me. Marius,
Thank you for everything I have learned from you, and for being able to talk to me about everything. Thank you for always being there to protect me.”


β€œMagnus, you are always nice to me when I need it. Thank you for the hugs that you usually give me when I have had an extra tough day.
I am so proud to have you both as my brothers.”


β€œDearest Grandpa, I always have such a good time when I am with you. Thank you for the evenings on the Royal Yacht, where we sit together and watch sports and cowboy movies. And thank you most of all for always having a good joke ready when the mood gets a little gloomy.”


"Dearest Grandma Sonja, thank you for bringing us along on so many interesting trips and adventures. Especially for all the outdoor hikes and for the stories and goodnight songs that Maud and I, anyway, will remember forever."


"And dearest Grandma Marit, thank you for all the fun things you have told us. Thank you for always coming to take care of us children, and for all of our enjoyable evenings of sitting and chatting."


β€œMy dear aunts and uncles and cousins, every since I was a little girl, you have made me feel safe. I am very grateful to you for that. Finally I would like to thank all my friends. Thank you for always making it so much fun to be together and for always cheering me up.”


One of the best things about Norway is our democracy. That we are free to believe in what we want to. That we are free to say what we want to.
That we are free to love who we want to. I am so lucky to have grown up in Norway.”



β€œWe live in a country that is constantly evolving. We have trust in one another & in our authorities. We are committed to combating climate change, committed to diversity and the freedom of expression. We continue to find better solutions than the ones we already have.”


β€œWe all have our place in this society.
We are different, we have been given different tasks, and we know how to do different things. Together we make up the Norway we love so much. Thank You very much.”

Skal! πŸ₯‚



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