Shaka Tha God #IStandWithDexterTaylor Profile picture
Protect Your Peace(piece)✌🏽

Jun 18, 2022, 9 tweets

Dont just tell my "Thug" story tell all of it

Let them know how i save young lives with Gang and conflict resolution in the streets and at schools

Let them know that we started "Fathers inspiring Futures" FIF when they want to tell my THUG or CRIMINAL story

I was part of helping Dehumanize my community.....but heres a fun fact from being a THUG the Trump administration(like him or not) reached out to me for ideas of prison reform 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Went from "Thug" to helping teach gun education within the black community ...tell my story correctly

I can do this all day....NEVER let your critics paint or write your story

My elders and us built a school in the name of lisa "left eye" Lopez(TLC) in Honduras(where she passed away) ......TELL MY STORY RIGHT!!! #ThugLife

Book drives i cant forget that.... thugs with books

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