bebo, chicago (b)rat czar 🥥🌴 Profile picture
rat spokesman || socialist, rabble-rouser || devout Chicagoan || Personal Account: @asasillylilguy

Jun 18, 2022, 8 tweets

good morning and good night to Gilbert Villegas’s campaign for #IL3

we are out here bright and early

ballots count triple* if you get a selfie with @AnthonyJQuezada

*this statement is highly disputed by the Illinois State Board of Elections

the 2nd & 1st best mustaches in Chicago are in the building @ChuyForCongress

me & tio 🥹🥹

Picking up this thread now that the event has ended

We got a bunch of great speeches - Stacy, Will, Christina, Anthony, Chuy, & Delia all had great crowd pleasing speeches

A really energizing event!

Afterwards we did a march to the Humboldt Park library to vote early, or in my case to finally drop off my mail in ballot

i’m not risking it with USPS right now & neither should you!!!

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