karrieporter Profile picture
She/her/b’ye. Manager of the Housing Help Centre leading eviction prevention work in Niagara. Adoptee. Cape Bretoner. Retired City Councillor. Housing advocate.

Jun 18, 2022, 8 tweets

1/ Fermin Soto Sanchez.

You are loved and valued. Many people are grieving your death.

You died a few m from Woodland School while walking your bike on 7th St Louth (Regional Rd 34) after spending an afternoon with your friends, checking out the boats in Pt Dalhousie harbour

2/ You died far away from your home, leaving behind three young children and a wife, who you worked hard to support, as well your parents, family, friends and co-workers.

Fermin, your death is a travesty and an injustice.

3/ Niagara is your home and these roads belong to you, your coworkers and to all of us.

Your death should leave us with many questions.

Why haven’t the local roads been made safe for you and thousands of your compagneros who live and work in our community?

4/ Why wasn’t your voice at the table, providing valuable input on transportation networks in #Niagara?

Will the @NiagRegPolice pursue distracted driving charge? It’s been reported by 1st responders that the driver was allegedly distracted by a device.


5/ What insurance has been made available to your family? Life insurance through work? An insurance claim against the driver who hit you?

Is @EmbaMexCan de México and/or the driver’s insurance covering the cost of repatriating your body to your family?

6/ Or will it end up being deducted from the GoFundMe, taken out of funds that could be for your children? You paid into CPP for 10 years. Who is helping your family apply for death/ survivor benefits, insurance, and everything else a family should be entitled to receive?

7/ What governments are going to step up and take responsibility for the deaths of migrant workers on the job and on our roads?

To the wife and children of Fermin, we send our love and condolences.

8/ We will ask these questions, and seek answers to any others you will have, to honour his life and find justice.

Without justice, there is no peace.

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