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Not-for-profit organisation spreading ideas and information about social, environmental and philosophical issues.

Jun 19, 2022, 5 tweets


"They want for us to think that resistance is futile precisely because they cannot afford to have us revolt" - @nevermorezine…


"They want to believe that the war has already been won, that the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' is inevitable, and history is proceeding inexorably towards the technocratic dystopia that Klaus Schwab and his brood of vipers envision. Bullshit"



"One is reminded of the Wizard of Oz, the pathetic little man hiding behind a curtain, using tricks to pretend to be a terrifying sorcerer. This is the essence of propaganda. It exists to trick you into giving your power away"


"What is this 'Great Narrative'? Are others as nauseated by its vacuity as I am? I don’t see anything compelling in the sickeningly sugar-coated fascist PR bullshit of the Great Reset. To me, it’s an obvious con job that stretches human credulity to its absolute limits"


"The task before us, then, is to come up with our own Great Narrative – a Great Narrative for the people, which places this moment in time in its context, which tells us how we got into the mess that we’re in now, and also where we are going, or at least where we want to go"

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